Carpet Cleaning Plano TX: Useful Cleaning Secrets

No matter how you try to make your carpet squeaky clean, it does not really happen the way you want it. Your carpet will be the victim of spills, accidents, drops, and everything that you haven't thought of. Do you want to know the secrets on how you can keep your carpet keep that new look all the time?

Experts on carpet cleaning in Plano TX have dealt with a lot of carpet incidents and with just one look, they have a solution to your carpet problem.

Here are some simple tips that can help you manage some problems that you may encounter with your carpet.

Club soda magic

Using a club soda can help solve beer and wine stains. Put some soda on the cloth and dab on the stain. If the stain remains, mix with 1:1 white vinegar and water. Place in a handheld sprayer and spray on the stained area. Allow soaking for 10-15 minutes.  Press a clean sponge on the area to soak the solution and the stain. Repeat the process until the stain is totally removed. Rinse the area with warm water.

Do not rub stains

Blot, don't rub. Whenever you have stains on your carpet, use a carpet cleaner and dab the stain on it. You can use a paper towel, sponge, or a clean cloth. The main idea is to just dab a bit to soak the stain up. Rubbing the stain will cause the particles to seep into the carpet fibers which may lead to carpet damage. When blotting, start from the outside and move inwards. Blotting from inside to outside may cause the stain to spread.

Shaving cream

General stains can be solved with a shaving cream. Put shaving cream directly on the stain and set if for about 30 minutes. Dab with a dry white cloth. Finish by spraying the area with 1:! vinegar and water. Wipe off the solution with a cloth.

Hydrogen peroxide

Blood stains on the carpet can be solved by hydrogen peroxide. Apply water with mild detergent and scrape off as much blood as you can. Directly apply hydrogen peroxide to the remainder of the blood. Dab with a towel to dry the carpet.

Dishwashing detergent

Grease is very difficult to remove. If you get grease on your carpet use a grease-cutting dishwashing detergent, mix in a cup of water and place in a spray bottle and spray on the stain. Dab on it. You may need to do this again.

Use organic cleaner for pet accidents

Even if you have a well-behaved and well-trained furry family member, they sometimes have an accident on the carpet. Try using organic cleaner and spray on the "accident." Wipe the cleaner with a cloth.

Regular deep cleaning of your carpet is a must if you want to maintain the carpet's new and fresh look. Find a professional carpet cleaning in Plano TX because they will see to it that your carpet is 100% clean.


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