Alarming Signs of Folic Acid Deficiency That You Should Never Ignore

Your body needs a sufficient amount of different kinds of vitamins not only to stay healthy and protected but to keep going without the worries of suffering from the most common illnesses and diseases. In other words, even just the insufficiency of one important nutrient can already lead to not only one but several major health problems.

One of the key vitamins that assist your body in producing new and healthy cells is folic acid. In fact, this form of vitamin B also helps the heart stay healthy and contributes to the brain's protection against Alzheimer's. Most importantly, folic acid ensures a lower risk of developing cancerous cells.

Folic acid undeniably plays an important role in keeping your body healthy. That’s why many health professionals recommend that in order to avoid the long-term effects caused by folic acid deficiency, you should spot its signs and symptoms before it’s too late.

Signs and symptoms that should not be ignored

The symptoms of folic acid deficiency are often results of several factors and most of them can be traced back to the kind of diet that individuals follow.

While most symptoms of vitamin deficiency can easily be spotted, most people don't realize that the lack of folic acid also causes several mental and psychological problems that could lead to more serious health issues.

Here are other symptoms that you need to watch out for:  
  • Anemia
  •  Numbness in specific areas of the body like in hands and feet. 
  •  Episodes of depression as well as constant tiredness and lethargy. 
  • Darkening of skin as well as other areas including the mucous membranes. 
  •  The appearance of scaling or cracks on the lips and around the mouth. 
  • Abnormally rapid graying of hair even for younger sufferers. 
  • Feeling of paranoia, forgetfulness, and decrease in mental performance. 
  • Long-term symptoms also include weight loss and slow growth.
  • Some people may also suffer from a sore or inflamed tongue. 
  • Different forms of ulcers: mouth ulcers, stomach ulcer. 
  • Paleness of the skin, headaches and even heart palpitations.

Reversal and necessary treatment

According to health professionals, people at the age of 14 and older need 400 micrograms of folate every day. On the other hand, pregnant women need 600 micrograms daily since it is a critical factor for normal fetal growth. Breastfeeding mothers are advised to take as much as 500 micrograms of folate.

Your doctor may recommend an easy but effective treatment by taking the needed supplement that will help your body reverse the effects of folic acid deficiency.

While these supplements can help you finally reach overall physical and emotional health, only proper diet can complete the most effective formula. By watching what you eat and carefully choosing the meals that you prepare every day, you'll be able to recover fast.

There is a wide selection of folate-rich foods that you can include in your diet such as leafy vegetables and other greens like chickpeas, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli.


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